Rename/Move File
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Rename/Move File

Renames or moves a file. Also, you can copy file with it.

Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Specify the full name of the source file.
Keep source file
If you check this box, the file will be just copied because the source file will not be deleted.
Destination folder
Specify a directory if you want to move or copy the file. If you want to just rename the file, leave this field empty.
New filename
Specify the new name of the file. You can leave this field empty if you do not want to change the name of the file.
Delete target file
If you check this checkbox and target file exists, it will be deleted.
Error message
If this item is selected, an error message will be displayed in case the operation fails.
Output log message
If you check this box, all renamed or moved files will be shown.