Script bottom panel
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Script bottom panel

Manages the bottom panel of the script window.

Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Hide or show the bottom panel.
Show Restart button
Check this checkbox to show Restart button. This button allows to restart the current script.
Show About button
Check this checkbox to show a small About button. If the user press it, About dialog is shown with the information (Author, URL, Version) is specified on Script page.
Close automatically on completion
Select state of this checkbox on the bottom panel.
Checked - the checkbox is visible and checked.
Unchecked - the checkbox is visible and unchecked.
Variable - the status of the checkbox depends on autoclose variable.
Shutdown on completion
Select state of this checkbox on the bottom panel.
Checked - the checkbox is visible and checked.
Unchecked - the checkbox is visible and unchecked.
Variable - the status of the checkbox depends on autoshut variable.