Command Prompt Mode
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Command Prompt Mode

Perfect Automation allows you to start scripts from the command line using the console or bat files.

You can call script.exe for starting scripts from the command line by specifying the absolute or relative path to your project file in the parameter.

script.exe Projects\ 
script.exe "c:\My Projects\"
If you want just to compile a project and create executable file without its launching then specify -c -e command line parameter.
script.exe -c -e Projects\ 
script.exe -c -e "c:\My Projects\"
Also, script.exe can run macro record .pam files. PAM files contains keyboards and mouse actions recorded with Perfect Automation Recorder. When you execute .pam file, the macro record is played immediately.
script.exe records\my.pam 
script.exe "c:\My Records\my clicks.pam"