Modify text
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Modify text

Modifies text with various actions.

Optionally, you may add comments here describing the purpose of this element.
Variable name
The name of the variable the result string will be written to.
Initial text
The initial text to will be processed. It can be empty, in this case, the current value of the variable will be processed.
String functions.
Delete duplicate letters - If there are some same letters defined in Additional parameter, the function leave only one letter.
Delete from the beginning - Delete letters at the beginning of the text. The amount is defined in Additional parameter.
Delete from the end - Delete letters at the end of the text. The amount is defined in Additional parameter.
Get [Filename] - Get a filename only if the initial text is a full path filename.
Insert at the beginning - Insert a string defined in Additional parameter at the beginning of the text.
Lower - Convert the string to lower case.
Replace letter - Replace letter defined in Additional parameter.
Trim - Trim spaces and less letters.
Upper - Convert the string to upper case.
Additional parameter
Specify additional parameter depending on action. If you want to specify a space letter then specify #space#.
for Delete from the beginning - amount of deleting letters.
for Delete from the end - amount of deleting letters.
for Delete duplicate letters - a letter.
A---A => A-A
for Insert at the beginning - a string to be inserted at the beginning of the text.
for Replace letter - a couple of letters. The function replaces the left letter to the right letter.
A B C => A-B-C 
for Trim - 'L' - trim on the left or 'R' - trim on the right. Otherwise, the function trims both on the left and on the right side.